73rd Anniversary of Liberation 2018
May 5th 2018 - Based on the agreements signed in 2015, the Town of Sussex and the Town of Tynarloo (Eelde) in the Netherlands agreed to fly each others flags on 05 May annually to celebrate the end of WW II in the Netherlands, and to recognize the war time role played by the 5th Armoured Regiment - The 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise’s), a regiment that has resided in the Town of Sussex for 170 years continuously.
A history of the event and it’s significance – Jason Thorne
Welcomes – Mayor Marc Thorne, MP Alaina Lockhart, MLA Bruce Northrup
Responses – LCol Ton Linssen, Military Attache, Embassy of the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands and LCol Tom Peppard, Commanding Officer of the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise’s)
Mayor Thorne – An invitation to fly the flags of the 8th Canadian Hussars and Tynarloo (NL) in the Town of Sussex. LCol Linssen and LCol Peppard assisted by soldiers of the Regiment, MCpl Rick Jones, Cpl Brad Janssen and Sgt Darren Spicer.
As a Dutch citizen I am humbled by the itinerary of celebrations you are holding to commemorate the 73rd Anniversary of the end of WW II in the Netherlands. As a former resident of Sussex (and a current resident of Annen- the neighbouring town to Eelde, liberated by the 8th Hussars) I recently informed what kind of celebrations the municipality here had organised for the May 5th celebrations.
The municipality of Tynaarlo told me that on April 13th (the day of liberation of Eelde) and on May 5th, they fly the flag of the 8th Husssars, the Sussex flag, and the Dutch flag in unison. However, there are no special presentations or ceremonies as such.
The Historical Society of Eelde (Ol Eel) informed me that they too are flying the flags of the 8th Hussars (a local made replica), Sussex and the Netherlands on their community building (the former town hall of the town of Eelde). They have a small ceremony on April the 13th where they commemorate by having a minute of silence. See link on their website for picture:
The Historical Society also has made a movie of the occupation and liberation of Eelde (https://oleel.nl/beeldbank/filmpjes/88-bevrijding-eelde). Unfortunately completely in Dutch, but it has some nice pictures and movie clips of the liberation.
Further I found during my last visit to the church of Eelde a commemorative plaque, which might interest you (see attached pictures).
So even though I personally find it dissapointing to learn that the municipality of Tynaarlo has no official ceremonies or celebrations with regard to the liberation of Eelde and the 8th Hussars role in this, I do am very pleased to see the 8th Hussars are still warmly remembered by many citizens in Eelde.
Kind regards,
Rob & Annemieke Gulmans