2015 Year In Review

Our year started off with the Museum's AGM in February held at Resurgo Place Moncton with lunch served by Museum Board Member Diane Lutes . Our next event took place in Sussex at the Irving Chapel with NB Youth Orchestra performing Keeping Faith Concert, which commemorates the centenary of The Great War. The concert included Kevin Lau’s moving composition “A Dream of Dawn” and timeless classics by Borodin, Ravel, and Shostakovich. The Museum's focus was a display " A Vimy Memorial ", the story of two Sussex soldiers from WW I who joined up together and lost their lives together at Vimy Ridge. Family members from these soldiers stay in touch with the museum on a regular basis.
During the months of January, February and March the Museum's front room was a bee hive of activity and MESS as "The Guys" worked on our new exhibit "The Ditch" where we depicted the April days in 1915 when the Germans attacked using poison gas for the first time. (click here for details ) During this time plans were well under way for the the commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Netherlands event held in Sussex , March 30th between the Town of Sussex , Town of Eelde (Tynarloo) and the Regiment. This event was actively supported by the Embassy of the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands and was led by the Embassy military attache, LCol Krista Oppers-Beumer. Flags were exchanged between all three parties and on Tuesday 05 May at 0800 hrs the two towns raised each other’s flags, along side the Regimental flag , to mark the event. On the morning of 05 May 1945 the 8th Hussars received the following message “ Effective 05 May 45, 0800 hrs. Cease all operations” For the Hussars WW II was over after 5 long years of military operations. The Hussars would then move into a small town in the Netherlands called Eelde and there they would stay until repatriated to Canada in Jan 1946. Eelde would become a second home to the Regiment. (click here for details ) On April 1st a group of Museum Board Members traveled to the UNB Currie Center with a display for their 70th Anniversary of Liberation Event. This event was well received by the Dutch Canadian community.

Flea Market and Balloon fiesta fund raising was successful again in 2015 - Also Mr. Paul Butler, President of the Army Cadet League of Canada (New Brunswick) presented an Appreciation Award to the Museum Committee of the 8th Hussars Museum at the Cadet Leagues annual meeting at CFB Gagetown. This award recognizes the efforts of the museum committee in raising funds to support four of the Regiments Associated Cadet Corps in Sussex, Moncton, Dieppe and Port Elgin during the past years during their fundraising efforts parking cars at the Sussex Balloon Fiesta and Flea Market. These two events draw over 40,000 visitors to Sussex annually. The funding supported corps events such as field trips, accoutrements and in some cases band instruments.

We move into October - On the morning of 3 October 2015 8th Hussar Museum Board Members, Volunteers and Friends traveled to Gagetown for the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps 75th Anniversary Parade . On the parade square there was a spectacular line up of tanks from the very large leopard to a vintage Bren Gun Carrier and Ferret! The Vintage vehicles lead the parade, a Ferret Scout Car owned and driven by Mike Baxter , followed by the Bren Gun carrier owned by the 8th Hussars Museum Sussex N.B. The Bren Gun Carrier was driven by Museum Board member Darren Spicer , dressed in an original War II uniform. Our Bren Carrier was used in the roll past and by the inspecting officers Gen Bowes, and Gen Dean, out going Colonel Commandant of the Armoured Corp. Gen Dean, He specifically asked for it since his first experience with the military included a ride in a Bren gun Carrier. A proud moment for the 8th Hussars Museum! (View a Power Point)

As we were knee deep in preparation for Less We Forget , a phone call in late October from Lorraine Pollock asking if we could participate on November 5th in helping plant the Dutch-Canadian Friendship Tulip Garden . Yes we sure can was our answer as this garden is planted in front of Town Hall in Sussex surrounding the flag poles where on each year on May 5th flags will be flown between the Town of Sussex , Town of Eelde (Tynarloo) and the Regiment. How cool would it be if the tulips were up on May 5th 2016? That is our hope . (click here for details)

To end off the year a Christmas Dinner was held in Hampton by the Harold Gamblin Chapter. A great time was had by all.

Plans are under way for events in 2016.
PHEW !! When we started this post off we said , "The 8th Hussar Museum is coming up to the end of a very successful , exciting and busy year." WE SURE DID !!
Happy New Year and we will see You in 2016!!