Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation
Since serving in uniform, many of Canada’s Veterans continue to provide outstanding service to their country, their communities and their fellow Veterans. To formally recognize the contributions of these outstanding Canadians, the Governor General authorized the creation of the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation.

Hampton,New Brunswick -
Mr. Carl Scovil Brown is a Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces. Originally a member of the 8th Canadian Hussars, he became a member of the regimental association upon his retirement and continues his involvement today. Mr. Brown ensures that sick members are visited, that families of deceased members are cared for, and that Veterans receive dignified funerals. He is also personally responsible for the establishment of the 8th Canadian Hussars Museum in Sussex, New Brunswick. Upon realizing that nothing existed to commemorate the contributions of the regiment, Mr. Brown developed a plan, recruited like-minded individuals, established committees and worked to create a museum. This involved countless hours gathering; cataloguing and insuring memorabilia; and directing fundraising efforts to acquire a venue to display the regimental history. Thanks to his efforts, the 8th Canadian Hussars Museum is now well established and was recently named the best small museum in Canada. Mr. Brown also convinced the association to fund a memorial tablet depicting the story of “the little colt” Princess Louise, that became the regimental mascot. Mr. Brown is also a long time member of the Royal Canadian Legion and sat on the board that replaced the old and crumbling cenotaph in Hampton, New Brunswick. This project required significant community engagement, fundraising and dedication. Mr. Brown’s financial expertise has been a huge asset to the Legion, helping them achieve the stability they continue to enjoy today.