The 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's) Association Membership
The association is a family of serving, former serving and retired members of the regiment with a common purpose...
To protect and preserve the history and heritage of the 8th Hussars , to support and foster the esprit de corp of The Regiment and to hold and preserve items of historical significance for the Regiment.
Who Can Join :
To protect and preserve the history and heritage of the 8th Hussars , to support and foster the esprit de corp of The Regiment and to hold and preserve items of historical significance for the Regiment.
Who Can Join :
- Persons who were part of the regiment at any time
- Members of any units amalgamated into the Regiment or who served with an affiliated unit.
- The surviving spouse of any person who was eligible for membership.
- Any other person may apply for membership whose application is approved by the Board of Directors.( Note : If you are a Civilian with no Military service you will become an Associate Non Voting Member.)
Know a Hussar? Give the gift of membership!
Annual Membership - A annual membership gives you a one year subscription to the Sabretache newsletter so you can keep up to date on the latest happenings with the Hussars Family. Lifetime Membership - The Regimental Association needs your support, both as a contributing member, and an active member when time permits. The lifetime membership is a one-time fee of $100. Your Lifetime membership entitles you to receive our semi-annual newsletter, the Sabretache, which is informative as well as entertaining. In addition, it will add you to our social mailing list, which not only gives you access to other members but keeps you continually informed of all of the activities of the Regiment, the Association, and each of the Chapters social calendars. If you are online, we offer a website as well as Facebook pages with continuous update and access to other members.